Tuesday, July 31, 2007

On the right path...

Ya know, when I just trust in myself & follow my heart, it's "funny" how much simpler and rewarding life is. The Universe has a wacky sense of humour... Gotta love it.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Yuba River

Isn't this gorgeous? I love bringing my kids here to play. It's harkens back to a simpler "swimming hole" style of family entertaiment.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Is modern living all that it's cracked up to be?

I say, NO! Life is harder, more isolating, and more focused on monetary gains than ever before. We spend a ridiculous amount of time at work, commuting, dealing with paperwork, running endless errands, scheduling appointments & events on cell phones & email and watching TV to chill out. Family values sounds like a cynical joke. More people are depressed, anxious, and taking prescription meds to feel something or to numb out. Are we (Americans/Westernized societies) becoming a larger, more global version of the .com disaster? Are we going to just burn ourselves out? The old perfume ad directed towards the newly liberated women of the 70's touted "we can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, & never, never let you forget your a man" now sees us in the year 2007 having both men & women trying to bring home the bacon, raise a family, someone try to order in dinner or nuke the prepackage organic food pouch, and stay awake long enough to recognize the person on the other side of the bed! Revolt, I say! Take back our families! Let's find a way to raise our own children instead of having to hire someone else! Take back our basic ideals! Downsize all of our unrealistic BS cultural financial expectations of being a rock star, Wall Street wizard, pro-wrestling, PTA President, cupcake wielding, spiritually ambiguous family of 4 with a dog, 3 cats, & 8 fish. Relax... Bring back local community; Block parties, local shop owners, environmentally & socially conscientious brand loyalty. I say we're worth it. Now...How do we do this?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Mind Your Manners

Gosh darn, hoogie-boogie youngin' whipper snappers! So RUDE!!!! Tell me, what do you think are the most important manners children should be taught, (e.g., hygiene, behavior @ home, restaurant, play dates, w/ strangers, seniors...) Any stories you want to share or opinions on which cultures have the best/worst manners? Who's fault is it that the kids of today are so rude & self-centered; or have children always been this way? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

How to Post a Comment to My Blog

Howdy! And welcome to Blog Posting 101.
All of my blog entries are on the left hand side of the screen (green background/white type). You will see at the end of each entry, in light blue type, the phrase: "Posted by Suzette McD", the time & date the entry was created, then COMMENTS. Click on COMMENTS. This will open the POST A COMMENT window allowing you to type in your response to that specific entry. When you have completed your comment, click on the POST YOUR COMMENT button on the bottom left of the window. Ta-da! I look forward to hearing from you!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


OMG!@#^$^*#*&%#@@!!! I am so tired! In a good way. My new uber-cool, black & wood, hydraulic, bad boy of a salon chair should be here tomorrow! And I am sure to scare the Hell out of Michel when he gets back from his holiday with his dad & sees the charges I made at IKEA this week! If you here a primal scream that turns into a shallow whimper, you'll know Michel read the bill. I had a blast! Wait till you see it! ***Perfect grand opening at the Aug. 18th Clothing Exchange!

I'm changing the name of STUDIO uTT (having Karmic concerns around "u.t.t.") to "Welcome to Mayberry; (High End Quality that's Down Right Neighborly)". Harkons back to the Andy Griffith Show. Plus, in all reality, my studio is in my neighborhood. Won't you be my neighbor?

Must sleep. Gotta clean like a maniac before My Man gets back!

P.S... Holy Mother of Pearl! How you single parents handle the kids 7/24 is a righteous miracle. The phrase, "If you continue speaking to me in that manner, I will back hand you into last year!" came flying out of my mouth with considerable ease. (Note: the child escaped untouched, but was clearly alerted to his status.) I can hardly wait to unload my darling spawn onto their Father at my earliest convenience. (Of course, this is before he sees the IKEA bill!)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Clothing Exchange

Howdy Peeps! Whatcha all doin' on Saturday, August 18th between 7p & 10p? If your calendar is still free, write it in pen that you're participating in a truly cool clothing exchange! At my house! Go through your closets, wardrobes, boxes, hampers... bring every article of clothing A) that's in great shape but you haven't worn it in Forever , B) your coming to terms that your body will never be a size itty bitty again & it's time to let those teeny tiny clothes go bye-bye, C) you've finally reached your goal weight & are ready to unload your extra larges, or D) you're ready for a complete make over & need to start over! Please also bring any jewelry in good shape, shoes that are still lovely, &/or hats.

If you travel: bring all those cute shampoos, conditioners & body lotions you've dragged home from the hotels.

If you have partially used hair products sitting there catching dust: bring those too!

At the end of the evening, all unclaimed clothing, travel hygiene & hair products will be donated to a women's shelter to help them get back on their feet , feel clean, pretty, & dressed for success.

This will be a bring your own wine event. Group participation is everything! It's about hanging with the girls, unloading what you don't really need, finding treasures, making new friends & helping a girlfriend feel better about herself so she can move forward with dignity.

Let me know if you're going to attend by posting a comment on my blog or emailing me @ SuzetteMcD@SBCglobal.net

Hope to see you and your groovy duds!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Hair Tailor Implosion

Well... Just know, while I was out on medical leave for knee surgery (June 1 - very successful, thank you!), the salon closed it's doors a week earlier than announced - AND NO ONE CALLED TO TELL ME. So I hope this helps anyone who's upset at it's sudden closer & lack of communication; feel not alone. The owner will not give out client information unless we pay her a ridiculous amount of money. Hence, I do not have a client contact list.

My fellow stylists/artists are all moving in wonderful directions. Janine Hunt & Odessa Charles are openning The Charles*Hunt Salon on Piedmont Ave. this July 11th & will be joined on the block by Dean & her sister, Louise, at the Dean Louise Salon & Massage Studio. Sharon Perry has relocated to a TBA salon in SF, Karen Swenson has taken the Summer off to hang out in her lovely, newly renovated, Tuscan-style home, & Mary Anne is home, safe & sound, with her new baby girl, Isabella.

I apologize for any & all inconveniences this is causing to all of our beloved clients/friends. Transition is rough, but the end results will be truly special. Thank you for your patience & persistence in finding us!

Hair cut Appointements!

Need to refresh your "Do" so it doesnt' become a "Don't"? Email me at suzettemcd@sbcglobal.net or call me @ 510.282.9381. Let's play!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

STUDIO uTT is germinating...

The vision is becoming clearer. Clear out & customize my garage to be a multi-tasking dream space. New paint, walls and floor, create zones (e.g., art space, laundry, work out equipment stored out of the way, hydraulic hair chair space w/ mirror for the Beauty Bar, etc...) I am so excited! We could have art exhibitions, hair/make-up/jewelry parties, art parties, dinner, do a little laundry & swap clothes we never wear but are still excellent & wearable. San Leandro look out! Does anyone know how to make a u with "oomlots" on their computer keyboard? The German U with 2 dots above it. Let the secret out and share!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Shameless Self Promotion

Check out my pre*existing website at SuzetteMcD.com to see a sampling of my paintings!

Check. Check. Check. This is only a test. Trying to see if I can upload pics onto this blog.


I'm in the Blogoshpere! I feel dizzy with opportunities... Why am I doing this? Shameless self promotion & having fun. What will I be blogging about? Where I will be setting up my shingle to do hair, routine Mom rantings, my art, ideas for manners classes w/ dates and times, philosophical musings, interior design ideas and ways to hire me, essentially, allowing me to play with your personal image & your home. I'd even be interested in doing a portrait of you or a family member. Even a vinyard style landscape could occur. The possibilities are endless...

More to come...