Sunday, August 5, 2007

Should Summer Stay or Should It Go Now...

I am so ambivent!!!!! I LOVE not having a schedule; waking up when we want to, going where ever we want, when we want, NO HOMEWORK, staying up late, playdates & sleepovers any day of the week, SpongeBob... And yet, I can't wait for my guys to go back to school so I don't have to deal with finding playdates to keep them active & stimulated, have a sense of routine and organization, interaction with other adults (them & me!), PERSONAL SPACE, time to find my mind (I think it's with my keys & several mis-matched socks), the ability to finish a project without having to stop and make Mac N Cheese or wipe a butt. Ya know, If we went to a year round schedule, life would be so much more balanced. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I needed the kids for Summer help in tending to our fields. 6-8 weeks on & 2-3 weeks off would be so much more civilized. I am here to testify that my kids lose a huge portion of what they've struggled to learn all year by having too much time elapse during Summer Break. They need more consistent learning phases and breaks in-between to stave off the burn-out. With Year Round School we wouldn't need homework. Homework is killing our evening family time. S-T-R-E-S-S-F-U-L. Our kids and our families need a break. Let's get organized, protest & change this for the better of our families & communities!

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