Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Is modern living all that it's cracked up to be?

I say, NO! Life is harder, more isolating, and more focused on monetary gains than ever before. We spend a ridiculous amount of time at work, commuting, dealing with paperwork, running endless errands, scheduling appointments & events on cell phones & email and watching TV to chill out. Family values sounds like a cynical joke. More people are depressed, anxious, and taking prescription meds to feel something or to numb out. Are we (Americans/Westernized societies) becoming a larger, more global version of the .com disaster? Are we going to just burn ourselves out? The old perfume ad directed towards the newly liberated women of the 70's touted "we can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, & never, never let you forget your a man" now sees us in the year 2007 having both men & women trying to bring home the bacon, raise a family, someone try to order in dinner or nuke the prepackage organic food pouch, and stay awake long enough to recognize the person on the other side of the bed! Revolt, I say! Take back our families! Let's find a way to raise our own children instead of having to hire someone else! Take back our basic ideals! Downsize all of our unrealistic BS cultural financial expectations of being a rock star, Wall Street wizard, pro-wrestling, PTA President, cupcake wielding, spiritually ambiguous family of 4 with a dog, 3 cats, & 8 fish. Relax... Bring back local community; Block parties, local shop owners, environmentally & socially conscientious brand loyalty. I say we're worth it. Now...How do we do this?

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